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  • Writer's pictureDarshika Singh

Are You Reading the Signs? The Universe's Clues That You're Meant to Be with Someone


Have you ever felt like you're being pulled towards someone in a way you can't quite explain? It's like the universe is gently pushing you towards them. It's a fascinating feeling that might make you wonder if there's something more to it. In this guide, we're going to explore that feeling and look at 18 signs that suggest the universe might be trying to connect you with someone special. These signs range from how you see things differently to moments that seem too perfect to just be chance. Let's dive into the mysteries of how the cosmos might be aligning your heart with someone else's.

  1. Heightened Awareness: When the universe wants you to be close to someone, it can make you more aware of them. You might start noticing small things about them that you hadn't noticed before, like how they smile or the sound of their laughter. This increased awareness is like a gentle reminder from the universe, telling you to pay attention to this person who might be important in your life.

  2. Soulful Connections: Have you ever felt a connection with someone that goes beyond just finding them attractive? That's the universe influencing you, leading you towards a meaningful bond with them. When you're around this person, you might feel a strong connection that feels like you've found where you belong—a recognition of souls that says more than words ever could.

  3. Intuitive Guidance: At times, the universe communicates with us through gut feelings, gently nudging us toward where we're meant to go. Consulting with an intuitive advisor who has a strong sense of intuition can give you useful insights into your relationship with this person. A skilled advisor can shed light on the hidden aspects of the situation and help you understand if this person is truly meant to be an important part of your life.

  4. All-Encompassing Presence: When someone is meant to be a part of your life, you begin to think about them and feel deeply about them in significant ways. It's like they become the most important thing in your life, overshadowing everything else. This strong presence suggests that the universe is bringing you together, encouraging you to recognize the importance of this person in your life's journey.

  5. Persistent Thoughts: When the person you're thinking about isn't around, you might find yourself constantly thinking about them. It's not just missing them or reminiscing; it's a strong feeling of connection that you can't ignore. These thoughts act as gentle nudges from the universe, encouraging you to understand the depth of your bond with this person.

  6. Synchronistic Encounters: The universe often arranges chance meetings when two people are meant to be together. You might unexpectedly run into this person in places you know well or in completely new environments. These coincidences act like signs from the universe, directing you to further explore your connection with them.

  7. Irresistible Urge: There's a strong attraction that pulls you toward this person, making you feel an irresistible desire to be near them. It's like your souls are connected, and the idea of being apart from them is hard to imagine. This magnetic attraction shows that the universe is aligning your energies, setting the stage for a deep connection to develop between you.

  8. External Validation: Notice how the people around you see your relationship with this person. Your friends, family, and even people you don't know might share their thoughts or observations about your connection, even if you didn't ask for them. When others affirm what you feel, it's like the universe is confirming the importance of your bond with this person.

  9. Deepening Conversations: As you spend more time with this person, your conversations will go beyond just talking about everyday things. Instead, you'll find yourselves discussing deeper topics that touch your hearts and minds. These discussions explore your shared beliefs, goals, and dreams. The universe promotes these meaningful conversations as a way to strengthen the bond and understanding between two people.

  10. Intuitive Promptings: Pay attention to your gut feelings—it's usually how the universe directs you towards what's meant to happen. If you suddenly feel like you should talk to this person or start a significant conversation, trust that feeling inside you. Your intuition is like a channel for universal wisdom, guiding you toward where your soul needs to go.

  11. Numerical Significance: Notice if you keep seeing certain numbers or patterns regularly in your life. These repeating numbers, called angel numbers, hold strong messages from the universe. Whether it's seeing 11:11 often or other important sequences, these numbers act as signs from the cosmos, showing you the way towards being in tune with the right timing and purpose.

  12. Spontaneous Gestures: Have you ever felt a strong urge to contact this person out of the blue, maybe by sending a text, making a call, or doing something thoughtful for them? These impulsive actions are often inspired by the universe, pushing you towards forming a deeper bond and showing your love. Believe in these impulses—they're guided by the universe's hand, helping to bring you closer together.

  13. Evolution of Self: When you're around someone who's meant to be part of your life, you might experience significant personal growth and change. Your interactions with them can inspire you to see things differently, act in new ways, and reconsider what you believe. This leads to a journey of self-improvement and growth. Welcome these changes as signs that you're moving closer to fulfilling your soul's purpose.

  14. Reciprocal Attention: Pay attention to how this person responds to your efforts and the energy you put into your relationship. If they show genuine interest in you and reciprocate your attention, it's a sign that there's mutual understanding and connection between you. Their sincere interest in you reflects the universe's approval of your bond, promoting a balanced and harmonious dynamic between you. Embrace this mutual attention as a confirmation that your relationship is in alignment with the universe.

  15. Meaningful Coincidences: Life is filled with meaningful coincidences that have special importance. Notice the moments of synchronicity that happen when you're with this person, as they often carry messages from the universe. Whether it's sharing similar interests, having common experiences, or unexpectedly meeting, these coincidences remind you of the deep connection between you both.

  16. Authentic Expression: When you're with this person, you feel comfortable being completely yourself without worrying about being judged or pretending to be someone you're not. This genuine expression of who you are helps to build a stronger bond and connection, as you both understand and appreciate each other's true nature. Enjoy the freedom to be authentic, knowing that the universe encourages and stands behind your genuine expression.

  17. Mutual Growth: As you continue your relationship with this person, you'll see that both of you grow and improve spiritually and personally. Your connection helps you both change for the better, as you encourage and support each other to achieve new things. Embrace this journey of growing together as proof that the universe is guiding and supporting your bond.

  18. Seamless Alignment: In the end, you'll see that everything in your lives, including your paths, hearts, and souls, fits together perfectly. When you're with each other, everything seems to work out easily, as if the universe is making sure everything aligns smoothly. Believe in this perfect alignment, understanding that the universe is guiding you toward a deep and long-lasting connection.


In life's intricate design, the universe creates paths that link us to those meant to share our journey. Through meaningful coincidences, gut feelings, and deep bonds, the universe shows us its plans, leading us toward fulfilling our soul's mission. As you navigate relationships and connections, have faith in the universe's wisdom to guide you toward what your heart truly wants. Pay attention to the signs, heed the guidance, and let yourself be swept up in the cosmic dance of love when the universe brings someone special into your life.

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Apr 06

✍️You feel like you have a past life connection with them.

Your cosmic soul is boundless and infinite. Just because you have not met this person in this lifetime, that doesn't mean you were not familiar with them in the past life. Just one look at them and your heart is loaded with familiarity, intimacy, and longing.✨😍

Darshika Singh
Darshika Singh
Apr 06
Replying to

Thank you for sharing your thoughts! It's intriguing to contemplate the idea of past life connections and the depth of familiarity they can bring. Your perspective adds another layer to the mystery of human connections.


Ananya Sharma
Apr 05

Beautiful post on beautiful concept..yes we should trust on our gut feelings..and on universe plans and be optimistic about them...wonderful post😊😊💝📖

Darshika Singh
Darshika Singh
Apr 06
Replying to

Thank you so much for reading article ☺️

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