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  • Writer's pictureDarshika Singh

Guarding My Heart: Why I Choose to Shield Myself from the Freefall of Love

Introduction Love, a complex symphony of emotions that has the power to uplift, inspire and transform, is a phenomenon that has intrigued humanity for centuries. Yet, in a world where love stories are celebrated and romantic adventures are pursued, there exists a unique perspective – one that steers clear of the precipice of falling in love. Welcome to my personal journey of choosing to save myself from the freefall of love, not out of fear, but out of a deep understanding of the emotions that come with it.

The First Glimpse: Infatuation Picture a serene garden bathed in the soft hues of a sunset. Love begins like the first blossoms of spring – delicate and mesmerizing. Infatuation is that initial twinkle in the eyes, the racing heartbeat, and the involuntary smile that graces your face when their name is mentioned. The world seems to shrink and all that remains is the allure of the person who has caught your attention. Yet, it's a dance on the surface, not yet delving into the depths of love's ocean.

Vulnerability Unveiled: Trust and Fear As love deepens, the journey demands a plunge into the unknown – an exploration of vulnerability. Trust becomes the cornerstone of the relationship. This is where the internal battle begins, the tussle between the excitement of revealing your true self and the fear of being hurt. Trust is the bridge between the heart and the mind, and it takes immense courage to walk across it, holding the hand of the person you've fallen for.

The Joyful Melody: Happiness and Bliss Ah, the heights of love – where happiness and bliss intertwine like a harmonious melody. Those stolen glances, shared laughter and inside jokes create a sanctuary of joy. Every moment spent together becomes a cherished memory and the happiness felt is almost intoxicating. It's the phase where the heart takes the lead and logic simply follows along, captivated by the magic of love.

Weathering Storms: Pain and Heartbreak But life isn't always a bed of roses; storms inevitably appear on the horizon. Love's landscape is dotted with challenges, misunderstandings and even heartbreak. When love falters, pain enters the stage. The heart, once soaring, is now heavy with sorrow. It's a journey through tears, introspection and learning. But even in the depths of pain, love's resilience can surprise us, teaching us to heal and to forgive.

Conclusion: Embracing the Choices Choosing to save oneself from the freefall of love isn't about shutting out emotions; it's about understanding and respecting them. Just as a gardener tends to delicate plants, I've chosen to nurture my emotional garden. Every emotion that accompanies love – from the giddy excitement of infatuation to the profound growth through pain – is acknowledged and appreciated.

So, as I stand on the precipice of love, I choose to admire its beauty, to understand its depth and to embrace its wisdom, all while keeping my feet firmly planted on the ground. It's not that I'm afraid of love's emotions; rather, I want to be prepared to face them with an open heart when the right time comes.

In a world that often glorifies the act of falling in love, remember that there's grace and strength in choosing to understand, respect and guard your heart until it's ready to dance to the rhythm of love's enchanting song.

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