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  • Writer's pictureDarshika Singh

Investigating Your Crush: The Art of Getting to Know Before You Go


Finding the right person to start a relationship with can be a daunting task. We all yearn for that perfect partner, someone who not only fits our idea of an ideal match but also shares similar values and dreams. In the age of digital connection, many of us turn to social media and online platforms to get to know potential partners better. I'll admit, I'm no exception to this trend. I've always believed that a little bit of investigation your crush on social media and through their friend circle before taking the plunge into a relationship.

Advantages of Investigating Your Crush

1. Gaining Insights into Their Past

Investigating your crush can give you a glimpse into their past. You can get an idea of their interests, hobbies, past relationships, and even their values. This information can be invaluable in understanding if you both are compatible or if there are any potential red flags.

2. Assessing Compatibility

By examining their social media profiles and talking to their friends, you can gauge your compatibility with your crush. If you both share common interests, values, and goals, it's a good sign that a relationship could work. On the other hand, discovering significant differences early on can save you from heartache down the road.

3. Confirming Mutual Interest

Investigation can help confirm if your feelings are reciprocated. Sometimes, a person's online presence can reveal whether they are genuinely interested in you or just playing games. This knowledge can save you from investing your time and emotions in a one-sided pursuit.

Disadvantages of Investigating Your Crush

1. Jumping to Conclusions

One of the biggest drawbacks of investigating your crush is that you might jump to conclusions based on incomplete or misleading information. A carefully curated social media profile may not reflect the real person. It's easy to misinterpret posts, photos, or comments.

2. Privacy Invasion

Excessive investigation can border on privacy invasion. We all have a right to keep some aspects of our lives private, and overzealous online stalking can make your crush feel uncomfortable or violated. Trust is the foundation of a healthy relationship, and invading someone's privacy can erode it.

3. Missing Out on the Unknown

Love is full of surprises, and sometimes, the best relationships start with an unexpected connection. Investigating your crush too thoroughly may lead you to overlook the potential for growth, change, or transformation in a person. Their past does not always define their future.

My Personal Experience:

I've been down the investigative rabbit hole many times. It's helped me connect with some fantastic people and, at times, saved me from potential heartbreak. However, there were moments when I realized that what I saw online didn't necessarily reflect the real person. I've mistaken witty tweets for intelligence and well-curated photos for genuine beauty.

In many cases, I initiated conversations after a bit of online digging, only to discover that our vibes didn't quite match in person. But here's the crucial takeaway from my experiences.


In my personal experience, investigating a potential partner on social media can be a valuable tool for gathering information and building initial trust. It's a way to ensure that the person you are interested in aligns with your values and aspirations, at least to some extent. However, it should be done in moderation, respecting personal boundaries and privacy.

Remember that no amount of investigation can replace genuine communication and face-to-face interactions. It's important to balance online research with real conversations to truly understand the person behind the screen. So, while investigating your crush can be a helpful first step, it should never replace the joy of getting to know someone in the real world. Ultimately, it's the combination of both that can lead to a successful and fulfilling relationship.


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